
My Story

My name is Eliza Peterson. I am an artist, a sister, a daughter, a friend. And I'm a Mormon.

I belong to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Born in Utah, I moved to Colorado for a couple years. Then when I was in kindergarten, I moved across the country to Virginia. I've been given so many wonderful opportunities. A couple months ago I moved to Pennsylvania.

As a child, I wanted to try everything. But I was super shy. Can you see how that might clash? ;) I've overcome most of it, but it still creeps up on me sometimes.

As a straight A student, I try my best in school. I love art and anything creative. But one of my favorite things is trying to make other people smile. Hopefully people can see the light of Christ through me. I think children with disabilities are absolute angels-I love them sooooo much. They have a special love and light and spirit about them, and I know that God has an incredible plan for them.

I also have found a new interest in biology and physics. I love learning how things work! This world is so beautiful and amazing, and I only know bits and pieces. Imagine what incredible things we will be taught in heaven!

I'm the oldest of four children. My parents have worked hard to keep our family together, and I am so grateful to know that we've been sealed by priesthood and that we will be together forever.

I am a daughter of God. I know who I am, where I've been, and where I'm going.


  1. Dear Eliza,
    We should do a blogswap sometime soon. You know, where we each write a guest post for each others' blogs? :) I think it would be fun! The only problem is, I have no idea what to write about. Shoot me an email from my "contact me" tab on my blog, maybe include your email address (I promise that stuff never gets published), and we can chat about it over email? This'll be fun! :D
    <3 Marie-Rose

  2. Update: I just had a friend test my contact page and it totally doesn't work. Oops :) so within the next few days I'll either fix it or create a new email address specifically for use on my blog (I don't want my personal email out there where people can see it). So if you tried using that form, I'm sorry it doesn't work!!
    <3 Marie-Rose

    1. Okay yeah I did try it ;) thanks for letting me know ;)

    2. Update! I created a new email address just for my blog! It's now up on my contact page :)
