
Saturday, May 17, 2014

Ten things I have learned from Seminary!

Seminary is over. I'm really sad. I loved reading the Book of Mormon. Next year is church history/D+C, then Old Testament, and in my senior year I get to study the New Testament!!!! That will be a great way to end high school.

But I'm sad to be done with the Book of Mormon. Sure, I read and (try to) study it every night, but there is nothing quite like starting every morning being immersed in it's pages. I get to start the day off feeling the Holy Ghost, and I never want to trade that for extra sleep.

Well, I've learned a lot from seminary this year, about myself and others, and God's plan for his children. Here's some things I've learned:

1. "Early to rise" without "early to bed" makes a girl angry and sick in the head.

I love nine I clock! If you go to bed much later, I guarantee you will fall asleep in math class. If you are going to seminary, make sure you go to bed early so that you can be happy all day! ;)

2. Daylight Savings saves me

Or atleast in the fall when we move the clocks backward. Because you get tired earlier, it feels like you wake up later, and the sun is actually shining when I look out my window!!!

3. Myth: waking up early makes kids grumpy
Fact: waking up early to read the scriptures and feel the Spirit keeps you happy the whole day!

Starting off the day with seminary gets you focused on what's truly important. It makes it easier to deal kindly with annoyances, be kind to those who are not-so-nice, and keep a clear head through disappointments.

4. Taking notes will actually make it easier to recieve instruction

Somebody somewhere said something (if any of you people know what I'm talking about, could you help me find it) about how as we record spiritual promptings it makes it easier to recieve further revelation. It is true! (Ooh actually I wrote that quote down in my seminary journal, I'll try to find it)

5. Inspiration can come through a variety of sources

One time, this guy in class whom I didn't know very well (I thought he was annoying and uncaring about anything spiritual) bore his testimony. It made me cry. I really felt the Spirit bearing witness that, yes, I could keep going (I was going through the difficulty of the move and I needed Heavenly Father's help. Well, answers to prayers can come from the most unlikely of places).

6. Obedience brings blessings

Consistent obedience is hard. Going to seminary everyday, reading the scriptures everyday, praying everyday, trying to follow Jesus Christ's hard. It's hard because, while there are some amazing times when something touches you or you feel on fire like nothing can get in your way, it doesn't always happen. I'll admit, not every morning going to seminary made me feel like I was floating on clouds the rest of the day. Sometimes I was unhappy because I could've used that hour doing homework. But those times when you do feel the Spirit, when you feel Christ's love and strength, when you have that knowledge-- it's those times that make it worth it. Trust in His promises--blessings will come.

7. Invitations are not too scary

Well, actually they scare me to death. But we had an invite-a-friend-to-seminary week. Scariest thing ever. Who in their right mind would go to some church at 6 am to read a book they've never heard of?! But I prayed about inviting someone, and felt like it was the right thing to do. And guess what? My first invitation--rejected. Second--rejected. Eighth--maybe. After following up with #8 she finally said yes!!! But what this taught me is that I shouldn't be afraid of rejection because it doesn't kill you, those friends don't leave you, and it feels great when someone says yes! Don't be afraid of inviting!

8. Teenagers are surprisingly insightful

Surprisingly is the key. Kids can be stupid, but we are feeling this hastening of the work and we are doing whatever it takes to come closer to Christ.

9. Conducting music is great!

Throughout the year, I served as seminary president for a couple months. Let me tell you, that was rough. So when I was released, I did everything I could to help the new president. That usually meant leading the music. And I found that I love it!!

10. I love the Book of Mormon!

I have prayed many times asking God if this book is true. And I know that if anyone else does the same they can know for themselves. Read it, study it, and then pray. That's what I did. But it took a lot of patience. Now I can say that the Book of Mormon is my favorite book, because when I read it I know I am coming closer to my Heavenly Father. It really is an amazing thing and I am sad to stop spending time with it every morning.

I've learned a lot from my first year in seminary and I hope next year is as good. I've learned to never give up, trust Heaenly Father, and be patient because when you search ye shall find.

<3 Eliza


  1. "Write down in a secure place the important things you learn from the Spirit. You will find that as you record a precious impression, often others will come that you would not have otherwise received. Also, the spiritual knowledge you gain will be available throughout your life. Always, day or night, wherever you are, whatever you are doing, seek to recognize and respond to the direction of the Spirit. Have available a piece of paper or a card to record such guidance." -- Elder Richard G. Scott

    1. Thank you so much! That's perfect!
      You're so great Helen!

    2. I need to get better at doing this. Oftentimes, I'm too lazy to take notes when I'm reading the scriptures, and sometimes I feel like the notes I *do* take are pointless. But every once in a while, I come across some amazing revelation, and I need to be ready to write it down.

      <3 Marie-Rose

  2. Seminary is the greatest! If only I could have gone regularly this year.... I shall make the most of Institute next year, tho, and it shall be awesome :)

    <3 Marie-Rose

    1. Oh institute will be just wonderful!! Good luck with life beyond high school!
