
Tuesday, January 28, 2014

The Blessings of a Temple

Oh my gosh you guys! I am so excited!

This is the Washington DC temple. Isn't it so pretty?!

I am so grateful for the temple! When you are worthy to go to the temple, you get to go and receive priesthood ordinances, help others, and learn about the plan of salvation. The temple is different than a Mormon chapel, because you don't go for normal Sunday services. The temple is literally the house of God, and it is where he can visit and give instruction to His children on earth.

But what the temple means to me personally is one word- PEACE. when you go inside, you leave behind the world, the vainness and uncertainty. All your concerns and worries are put aside, and you get the opportunity to think on a higher level. The temple is a place of love, happiness, and sacred knowledge. To people who attend the temple regularly, God has promised that angels will have charge over them, and the power of God will be around them. The temple is also the place where my parents got married, so that by priesthood power, our family can stay together in heaven. I am so grateful for my eternal family.

I used to live an hour and a half away from the DC temple. Then I moved. Now I'm three hours from it. I live about two hours from the Manhattan Temple, which is an amazing beacon of light in a city full of filthiness, but the traffic is horrendous. But guess what?! Soon there is going to be a temple in Philadelphia! That is only an hour and a half away!

Some people live over a weeks journey away from a temple. Many only get to go once in their life, to get married and sealed as a family for time and all eternity. While I don't live five minutes from a temple (which would be wonderful), I am grateful to be able to go four times a year. And maybe with the Philadelphia temple, I will get to go more!

Along with a temple near me, there are a couple great things that will happen. In 2016, when it opens, the temple will have an open house for anyone in the world who wants to to take a tour of the inside. It is so pretty inside! If anybody wants to come, I can take you! It's going to be amazing! Then the prophet will come and dedicate the temple to The Lord, and I am so excited to go!

Also, because I live in the surrounding areas as a teenager. I get the amazing opportunity to participate in a huge youth cultural celebration where we do a huge performance with dancing and singing and so much fun, with thousands of LDS youth. It's going to be so much fun!

I am so excited! 


  1. I'm so glad you're getting a temple by you, Eliza! :D Here in Utah, there are a lot of temples... On of my favorites is the Draper temple. It's on the top of a hill, and if the air quality is bad (which it usually is), as you drive up the hill to the temple, everything literally gets clearer and prettier.

    1. Yeah I'm so excited! That's so true, the temple is a place of refuge from all dirtiness, be it physical or spiritual.

  2. Greatest blessing from living in Nauvoo? Living 6 blocks from the temple that EVERYONE WANTS TO VISIT ONCE IN THEIR LIVES! And I go more than once a week to that very temple. In fact, phone me there and I must might help make an appointment for you to come visit us!
